Inclusive, competitive and sustainable value chain development in agriculture, fisheries and forestry

Project Description

The aim of the project is to enhance the enabling environment for the forestry sector, ensuring long-term sustainability in forest management and fostering evidence-based policy-making within the sector.

Project Objectives

The project aims at strengthening livelihoods in target rural populations as a result of social, economic and environmental policies and services that promote inclusiveness and sustainability through:

  • Improvement of administrative capacity in contributing to policy making and decision-making; improvement fisheries and aquaculture governance towards sustainability, including legislative advancements; improvement fisheries monitoring and control; improvement fisheries monitoring and control; as well as capacity in data collection in support of fisheries research and scientific advice;
  • Strengthening enabling environment for the forestry sector to help secure the long-term sustainability of forest management and to improve evidence-based policymaking in the sector;
  • Strengthening selected food value chains and integration of smallholder farmers sustainably in these value chains through improved access to finance, inputs and services.

Implementing partner

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