Improving the standards compliance through increased national capacities for residue monitoring

Project Objectives

The overall objective of this Action is to enhance national consumer safety and access to safe, healthy and nutritious food and to improve trade opportunities and create a conducive business environment for SMEs, thus contributing to resilient, sustainable, and inclusive economic development as well as paving the way to a fully-fledged Green Deal for the Republic of Moldova.

The specific objective of the Action is to increase national capacities for residue monitoring in animal feed and products of animal origin (pesticides, veterinary medicine, contaminants and prohibited substances).

Outcome 1: Improved practices of competent authorities (ANSA and MAFI) through good governance and revamped legal and regulatory framework.

Institutional strengthening of the ANSA and MAFI through capacity building, use of best practices, skills development, and implementation of management systems.

Outcome 2: Improved practices of national reference laboratories through expanded

testing capacities, demonstrating proof of compliance. Strengthening the National reference laboratories through capacity building, use of best practices, skills development, procurement of additional laboratory equipment and implementation of management systems, accreditation, and validation of methods to ensure quality and international recognition of their services with a focus on pesticide and veterinary drug residues.

Outcome 3: SMEs and FBOs application of best practices in compliance with standards and technical regulations in the value chains of meat, poultry and milk products are enhanced. Improving compliance capacity and awareness through specialized training and capacity building for SMEs and FBOs

Implementing partner

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