Ukrainian berry producers get ready for the French market: one-day training on how to export to France

Ukrainian berry producers get ready for the French market: one-day training on how to export to France

The International Trade Centre (ITC) has continued its series of awareness raising trainings on EU export opportunities for Ukrainian berry producers and processors, with a one-day training on how to export to France.

The training – ‘The Ukrainian Berries Sector gets ready for the French market: A one-day training on how to export to France’ was organised with the Ukrainian Berries Association (UBA) on 2 October in Kyiv, within the framework of the EU- funded project ‘Eastern Partnership: Ready to Trade – an EU4Business initiative’.

The main objective of the training was to increase awareness among Ukrainian berry producers and processors on how to export to France.

Participants from the berry producing and processing sector obtained useful recommendations on identification and establishment of contacts with French importers, pricing and key features of import to France. The following questions were covered in detail: French fresh berries and processed berries market (local and import), consumption trends on fruits and berries in France, overview of the distribution chain (including retail) for fresh berries and processed berries in France, export requirements for fresh and processed berries, import price structure and others. The event was structured as a presentation with live discussion and Q&A session.

The speaker was ITC international expert Hendrik (Boy) Stuijfzand, who has more than 20 years’ experience in business development, strategic management, marketing and sales.

From 21-25 October, the ITC and the UBA will be organising the participation of a selected group of Ukrainian berry SMEs in the Salon International de l'Agroalimentaire (SIAL) in Paris, the largest food innovation exhibition in the world.

The Eastern Partnership: Ready to Trade project helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to access new markets with a focus on the EU, helping SMEs identify and comply with quality and standards to meet international requirements, linking them with buyers along the value chain, and providing cluster support.

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