From policies to action: OECD workshop on improving SME statistics in Ukraine

From policies to action: OECD workshop on improving SME statistics in Ukraine

On 3 October, the OECD organised a third workshop in Kyiv on business statistics, presenting the findings of the OECD statistical report on SME sector in Ukraine, providing structural business statistics, business demography statistics, as well as international comparisons of Ukrainian SME sector. 

The workshop was held in the framework of the OECD project on 'Improving business statistics in Ukraine', which is part of the EU-funded regional programme ‘EU4Business: from Policies to Action’.

The workshop was structured in two sessions:

  1. Presenting the results of the OECD statistical report on the SME sector in Ukraine. This session focused on presenting the SME sector in Ukraine based on the report findings, provided international comparisons and recommendations on business statistics production.
  2. Sharing good practices on business statistics dissemination. A senior international expert, previously at Eurostat, shared international dissemination practices based on the European Statistics Code of Practice. A senior OECD expert from the Statistics and Data Division shared dissemination practices in the OECD countries.  

The need to enhance the quality of SME statistics has been highlighted by the latest Small Business Act for Europe (SBA) assessment as a main priority to improve the institutional framework for SME support in Ukraine. Building on this finding, the OECD aims to promote the implementation of an established methodology to compile key indicators of business statistics that are internationally comparable, and increase capacity among Ukrainian policymakers to collect, harmonise, analyse, publish and disseminate official information measuring the performance of the SME sector in Ukraine.

The objective of the project is to build capacity in Ukrainian institutions to collect, harmonise, analyse, publish and disseminate official business statistics. 

EU4Business: From Policies to Action is a regional project implemented by the OECD, which supports competitiveness and business environment reforms in the Eastern Partnership countries, working both at country and regional level. 

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