More than 50 events took place across 16 cities in Ukraine, during events organised by 15 partners as part of 'European SME Week' between September and December 2018. Events saw about 10,000 contacts with SMEs, with 200,000 people impacted by the broader information campaign.
During the campaign, a wide range of events took place in the framework of the EU4Business initiative, in which Ukrainian entrepreneurs learnt about ideas and opportunities for cooperation and support offered by the EU in key areas.
Awareness raising events and workshops were organised – amongst others – by:
- the Forbiz project and Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO) in six cities, involving more than 500 people;
- the EBRD through its Business Support Centres in seven cities across Ukraine with 500+ participants;
- the German-Ukrainian Fund (GUF), with presentation of finance opportunities in 4 cities, and more than 2,000 people taking part;
- the Ready to Trade project, including export training workshops and trade missions.
At the same time, an online map of opportunities was developed, providing clear and easy navigation across all EU programmes and opportunities for SMEs offered by EU4Business, COSME and Horizon 2020, accompanied by a brochure on EU programmes.
European SME week in Ukraine was part of a pan-European campaign for developing small and medium businesses, promoting entrepreneurship and informing about EU support for private sector development.