In 2024, the Ungheni region of western Moldova enriched its tourist offer with three new visitor routes: ‘Pe meleagurile Movilei Măgura’, ‘Bucovina Basarabeană’, and ‘De la Prut la Movila Măgura’.
The routes were developed by the tourist cluster ‘Dealurile Măgurii’ in collaboration with the Association for Tourism Development in Moldova, as part of the ‘EU4Moldova: Focal Regions’ programme, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP and UNICEF.
The 188 km tourist route ‘De la Prut la Movila Măgura’ includes 36 sights. The route starts from the village of Sculeni and continues through Gherman and Alexeevca, passing through Rădenii Vechi and the ‘Plaiul Fagului’ Scientific Reserve.
The second route – ‘Pe meleagurile Movilei Măgura’ – is 65 km long and lasts 8-9 hours. It offers a diversified experience, including tastings of local herbal teas and visits to the ‘Vilador Farm’ guesthouse in Slobozia-Măgura village, Sîngerei district.
The third route – ‘Bucovina Basarabeană’ – is 50 km long and is partly pedestrian. Among other sites, it goes through the village of Rădenii Vechi, where tourists can visit the Holy Trinity Church, the village museum in the House of Culture, the ‘Dulce Plai’ Factory and the Memorial of Prince G. A. Potiomkin of Taurida.
The tourist cluster ‘Dealurile Măgurii’ is one of the eight clusters supported by the UNDP through the programme ‘EU4Moldova: Focal Regions’. The cluster has received financial support worth €100,000, used for the development of tourism infrastructure, and promotion and support to local entrepreneurs involved in tourism.